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In the event of inclement weather or emergencies, 学院使用一个综合警报系统,让我们的社区了解对AACC运营的影响.

Ways to Stay Informed

Text Messaging

Receive updates via AACC’s text messaging system, Omnilert这是一项向手机、无线pda和电子邮件地址发送即时信息的服务. 成为第一个知道大学关闭、活动取消、交通通知等信息的人.

任何去年在AACC工作或上课的人都会自动注册以接收紧急更新(其他通知是可用的,也是可选的)。. 只要您与AACC保持积极的关系,该服务每年都会自动更新. 您可以随时登录您的帐户更改您的设置或进行更新.

您可以通过访问AACC门户网站更新电话号码, MyAACC. From the menu, select Self-Services card > User Options (located on the left sidebar) > User Profile. 要接收来自Omnilert的更新,请输入您的家庭或移动电话号码. Omnilert将在第二天早上更新您的电话号码.

Other Notifications

In addition to text messaging, AACC’s homepage, Facebook page, Twitter账户和户外电子标识会根据任何紧急通知进行更新.




Effective Dec. 15, 2020

On days with inclement weather, 该学院计划继续进行虚拟教学,员工将远程工作. 如果天气状况或其他紧急情况需要, 安排亲自授课的课程可能会取消. In this case, 教师将与学生沟通如何安排教学时间或如何实现既定的课程学习成果. Additionally, 在大范围停电或网络故障的情况下, the college may cancel all instruction. 在校外设施上课的学生将收到他们的导师或设施协调员的通知,如果设施将被关闭.


Online Instruction Continues; In-Person Classes Canceled or Delayed; Campus and Buildings Closed

Instruction: Online classes continue as scheduled; for in-person classes, 讲师将提供有关更改授课时间的详细信息 
Campus and Buildings: Closed
College Services:可远程访问(在线、电话或电子邮件)
Faculty/Staff: Remote work; liberal leave in effect for staff
Essential Employees在主管的指导下向工作报告

当天气或其他紧急情况需要关闭或延迟开放校园和建筑物, but aren’t severe enough to impact student, faculty and staff internet access and power, this option will be used. 所有学院拥有和运营的建筑都将关闭. 教学将如期在网上进行. 对于任何被安排为面对面教学的课程, 教师将与学生沟通如何安排教学时间或如何实现既定的课程学习成果. Student services will continue, as scheduled, 将提供在线服务,员工将继续远程工作(自由休假生效)。. 自由休假是指员工在极端天气或类似紧急情况下可以休的未安排的年假, which prevents them from working as usual. 员工应与主管沟通,以确保保持足够的办公室覆盖范围, as appropriate.

No Instruction; Campus and Buildings Closed

Instruction: Canceled (online and in-person)
Campus and Buildings: Closed
College Services: Not available; self-services available via MyAACC
Faculty/Staff: Do not work, not required to take leave
Essential Employees在主管的指导下向工作报告

这一选择将在重大天气或其他紧急事件中实施,在无法进行在线教学的情况下,造成该地区广泛的互联网或电力中断. 所有的教学都被取消,无论是在线的还是面对面的. 教职员工不工作,也不需要请假.

Early Closing - No Instruction; Campus and Buildings Closed

College Services: Not available; self-services available via MyAACC
Buildings: Closed early for all
Faculty/Staff: Do not work, not required to take leave
Essential Employees在主管的指导下继续工作

当学生在校期间发生意外的重大天气或其他紧急事件(面对面上课)时,将实施此选项。. During an early closing, instruction would end early for all students, including those learning remotely. 当学校提前关闭时,学生应该计划上课直到关闭时间. 例如,如果学校计划在下午1点关门.m., a class scheduled to meet from noon to 2 p.m. would still meet (from noon to 1 p.m.). 教师是否有必要取消单独的班级会议, 他们将通过AACC的电子邮件通知班级名单上的学生. 对于任何被安排为面对面教学的课程, 教师将与学生沟通如何安排教学时间或如何实现既定的课程学习成果. 校内和远程学生服务将在提前关闭时关闭. 教职员工不工作,也不需要请假.

Other Information

学院尽了一切努力来做出推迟开学的决定, 尽早关闭或完全关闭,以确保学院社区的安全.

  • 如遇延误或关闭,通知一般会在上午五点半前发出.m.
  • For a delayed opening, 任何更新将在原计划开放时间前至少一小时提供.
  • For early closing, 我们会尽量在提早关门前至少两小时公布有关决定.
  • In the event of a delayed opening, 在宣布开课前30分钟允许进入校园和建筑物.
" class="hidden">腾讯天气频道